I got married at the top of Lone Mountain at Big Sky. Told her I had to stop because of "ice" in my boot. Pulled out the ring, she said yes. Skiied down the Big Couloir. Good times.
Best engagement stroy I know: Minnesota has a pretty big/popular Science Museum. Buddy of mine calls them up and asks if they will help him with his engagement plans. They say yes. His best man is a graphic designer. Best man builds this huge display board (like 8' x 16') made to look exactly like one of the museum's exhibits. The display is a long timeline and it's titled at the top "Our History". The timeline goes back like 50 million years, and contains a bunch major events in world history. (Examples: 25,000 b.c. - Man first uses fire. 500 a.d. - Alexander the Great captures Asia. 1100 a.d. - Marco Polo finds trade route to the east.) The timeline goes up through the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, World, etc. (The important thing here is that the display is totally professional looking and bad-a$$). When it gets to the 1990's, there is an event that says "1997 - Tom and Tracy's first date" , and he has the Wild tix from their first date attached to the display. Then there are some other "events" from their lives and the dates they happened, and pictures of the two of them along the way. The last event on the timeline says "May 31, 2000 - Tom asks Tracy to marry him".
So anyway, the Science Museum puts this "exhibit" in with the rest of their normal exhibits on the day that he is planning to bring her to the Science Museum. (She thinks they are just going to kill some time before dinner.) They start walking through the exhibits, until they get to his timeline. She thinks it is just another exhibit and starts casually reading it. When she gets to the first part about the two of them, she freaks out (still hasn't figured it out yet) and starts yelling "Oh my God! Oh my God! My picture is on here!!!" Then she sees the part about Tom asking Tracy to marry him. By then, he is down on his knee with a ring in hand, and she is bawling. Fortunately she says yes, becuase a bunch of their family and some museum employees are all hiding nearby watching the whole thing.