I am trying to dial in my m10, and was dissapointed with my deep snow performance out west a couple weeks ago. I have too much ski pressure, and feel I am pushing the front end through everything. I have adjusted the limiter to the longest setting, have put 50# in the front assault air shock. Still feel I need more transfer. Fast says to cut the coupler blocks, has anyone tried this?
I know the turbos have a pile of power, but seems they pull the fronts up pretty easy and it seems I should be able to do better.
Any other deep snow tips wold be appreciated. This is on a 151 X 2" apex conversion, and it is a notched track for the tunnel protectors.
I know the turbos have a pile of power, but seems they pull the fronts up pretty easy and it seems I should be able to do better.
Any other deep snow tips wold be appreciated. This is on a 151 X 2" apex conversion, and it is a notched track for the tunnel protectors.