My father-in-law has a '98 MMax 700. It is beyond a bear to start after it has sat for a week or so. You have to pull & pull & pull & pull. Well you get the point. It will not even act like it wants to fire for quite a wiel. Then all of a sudden it will fire up. Once warmed up starts just fine. I tried cheeting and dumped a little gas in the spark plug holes. It will fire right up. Until the gas in the cylinder runs out. I put about a half a quart of gas down the plug holes last night before it finally started.
My thoughts are some how all the gas is draining out of the lines and pump. But I am not sure. I need to pull the air box and see were the fuel gets to I guess.
Any Ideas? Or experience with this issue?
Thanks, Lt Rascal
My thoughts are some how all the gas is draining out of the lines and pump. But I am not sure. I need to pull the air box and see were the fuel gets to I guess.
Any Ideas? Or experience with this issue?
Thanks, Lt Rascal