My brother and I dug this guy out of a creek bottom a few years ago. Riding alone, and a fair distance from the trail.
We actually dug him out several times as he would only go a short distance and then be stuck again. We finally got him out of there and on the trail. Never saw him again... I guess he has survived all this time but still has not learned the value of not riding alone and being prepared. He is one bad decision after another, and has shown a history of it.
This time he said he was only going for a short ride so he didn't take his gear but, he was a good 20 mile groomed trail ride from his house in Mullan. Now he wants to buy a spot. GREAT IDEA. Now every time he gets stuck... alone... he will be pressing the 911 button and possibly taking search and rescue away from someone who really is in trouble and didn't put themselves there due to their own lack of planning. The Spot is not tool intended to get jackasses out of a pickle because they can't put two good decisions together in a row. Instead of a spot maybe he should get a riding partner. Start off old school and work his way up to technology.