I have two problems with the story on/in KARE 11. Not once does it mention BDUBS as the one who organized the search and recovery of the victim. Had it not been for his training, gear, group etc... that guy would have died on that mountain while everyone stood around and watched because they had no tools or training on what to do. The second problem I have is people think that a beacon is superman's cape and it will save their life every time. The beacon in my mind is a corpse retrieval tool. There is more to the puzzle than just having the tools. You need the knowledge to know when to stay away as well. Thankfully the victim can go home to his family and live to see another day. That is the most important thing here. Nobody lost their life in this accident. Unfortunately, there are others who are not as lucky.
Why is it in a sport we are so passionate about, we lose brothers, friends, dads, moms, kids and such to circumstances like these?