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Minneapolis (aka Chicago West) is burning

I can't find where he mentioned ANYTHING in his post about skin color, can you?
What was your point of trying to imply that? It is not a skin color issue AT ALL!!
Rioting / looting does not accomplish anything, but DOES show who the thugs are.
There WILL be justice . . . the angry mob needs to show self-control, obey the law, and let the system work. Two wrongs DO NOT make a right.
"animals" is a pretty common little racist tactic. Just like "thugs" from our liar in charge

Anyway...you guys might like this...the rioting/looting may have a trigger from a source not expected. The police themselves and one got caught on camera.

Watch what Jacob Pederson did at the AutoZone

this is getting really crazy
Protesting is the biggest weapon of getting what you want . Guess what ? It's also a weapon of mass distraction and who pays for this ? Does it grow on trees ? It's not paying the bills but adding to them . Granted you have the right but try to communicate with a different culture these days , the melting pot is a dumping ground . Everybody has rights and no one agrees because we are not all equal and don't want to be if it's free .
Burning and looting inanimate objects is NOT violence. It is a legitimate form of protest throughout history. When you push people to far, when they have nothing to lose all it takes is a spark. The scenes in Minneapolis remind me of burning and looting I have witnessed first hand in Third World countries. It is not just police brutality (although major contributor) poverty, marginalisation, no jobs, poor education, etc. Based on these metrics I can easily think of a dozen US cities that could be burning. You reap what you sow.
I don't know what's the correct solution (looting isn't, the rest? Maybe), but the act and mindset of those police officers who murdered that man requires drastic public action/re-action of some type. This is becoming a very well-documented scenario, and the current leadership of the US is giving racist losers the false-justification they're looking for in these acts. It is very clear that a) murder of black people by police is a serial problem that needs to stop (no sh1t?)... and that b) standard channels have no proven effective. If it takes burning down half a city for meaningful policy change, I guess that's what it takes. Will it happen? Who knows. They're walking the walk on standing up for their rights against government.
When you have no sense of right from wrong you believe that looting and rioting make a bad situation better.
These aren't people, they're animals.
If you support these animals, you are part of the problem.
If you are more upset by/focused on reports of looting than you are disturbed by a guy getting tortured to death by 3 cops on video while crying for his mom....you are a part of a much more concerning problem.

Officer Cody Holte, a three-year veteran of the Grand Forks Police Department, was murdered (shot to death) yesterday by Salamah Pendleton and most people don’t even know it happened.

Where's the media on this and the protests and riots. A person of color murders a caucasian.
If you are more upset by/focused on reports of looting than you are disturbed by a guy getting tortured to death by 3 cops on video while crying for his mom....you are a part of a much more concerning problem.

Nice try.
Officers were immediately fired.
One charged with murder.
The wheels of justice are in motion.
If my calling them animals because they acted like animals makes anyone sad, make yourself some nice tea and turn on the Hallmark channel.
I can't believe all the excuses for this looting and destruction of peoples property that had nothing to do with it. All the people that think protesting is so great, get a life or a job or something to do. Go be fore something instead of against everything. Kind of like a horse without a job. They turn into sh!theads when you need them. Same with kids. Give them something to do or they start getting in trouble.
I don't mind the animal reference at all. My view is harsher. Only liberals think in terms of race because they are the most racist people always thinking about race. These people are scumbags. I would shut it down by any means necessary. If you have a moldy blueberry you get it out or it ruins the whole batch. Another liberal city completely out of control. Nobody seems to care about the businesses that got burned down that didn't have insurance. Oh it is so great that they are exercising their right to protest.
Nice try.
Officers were immediately fired.
One charged with murder.
The wheels of justice are in motion.
If my calling them animals because they acted like animals makes anyone sad, make yourself some nice tea and turn on the Hallmark channel.
Yes they were...doesn’t make the fella any less dead, does it? Doesn’t change the fact that not 1, but 3 officers thought this was acceptable behaviour, and felt justified in it. Confident enough in there actions to kill a guy in slow motion on video, with no fear of repercussions. If that isn’t a sign that massive change is needed, I don’t know what is.

People kill people every day, yes. Killing someone full knowing it’s illegal is a problem. Killing someone and thinking you are within the law (which is your field of study), and/or above repercussion is an entirely different problem. One that US cops systematically have a problem with, particularly with black people. Not new information, not my opinion...well documented.

So ya...a bunch of bougie white chicks protesting a pipeline is 1 thing...protesting a system constantly failing your community and killing you is an entirely different scenario. What’s the appropriate response? Don’t know. I do know that responses usually get more aggressive when the problem isnt addressed.
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