many do squarehead....and i see your point, but there's a certain "something" that i like better about knowing i can smash up my own machine and not care, or at least laugh about it, that's the end of it....and off to the parts shop we go.
half the fun is not caring about your machine when it comes to using a tree for traction, rock, etc.
it's also part of the good juju about having your own machine and bringing it out west. truck...sleds...trailer...good stories....etc...
we've gotten to know a guy out in West that rents machines...and you wouldn't believe how personal it is for those people. one scratch, ding, or totalled sled....and he thinks it's a personal attack on him and his equipment. then he badgers the people that did it when in reality...they look at it like it's a rental man....i'm gonna beat this thing up for a day...
just like the rental car jumping. did any of you see that? some guy on was the dude that did it. was a youtube clip...hilarous.
i would hate the rental biz.