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McCall 6-28-08 The End!



Well-known member
Apr 18, 2007
Nampa, Idaho
I think this is the end :( what a great year, and i can't wait for the snow to fly. lost a good riding partner this year to east Idaho so all you poor sucker over there who get pm'ed from sledhauler07 get a new back belt and a good camera!!
thanks for the ride sledmasterr.





Dec 5, 2007
Boise ID
viva los 3 amigos!!!

aaahhhhh MOCO... what can I say man??? I'll miss you too. and the boat anchor you call a sled!!! you fag. my sled is heavy?! OMG I had to have surgery to fix all the disks I ruined pulling your azz out all year! haha

I fished blue lake last year around Aug and thought I heard a motor... all bets are it was you. You should think about the 2 wheel option my friend. It would help spread your obsession across the year. God knows you have tons of money and you don't work... must be nice being a trust fund baby.

So the trips will be planned for the "over here" ride and then the "I'm headed your way" trip once the snow starts flying. And I'm closer to Jackson so you'll have a reason for you guys to bring the sleds this year.

The girl says "hey" and I'll call when I head that way. Let me know about the sled show.

cya, hauler:beer;:beer;
Dec 5, 2007
Boise ID
oh ya

Ps. Hey Bri and Wade too you guys too. btw, thanks for defending my honor... not. hahaha j/k

So not to jump the winter gun... I was thinking maybe there should be some sort of "invation" trip. Ya know, like that side of the state heads this way late in the winter for Island Park, Teton, Idaho Fall area sled and shred fest... you gotta give me a couple early season months to figure out where to ride but could be good. Hell some of you guys probably already know the good stuff and I got another buddy lives in I.F. that rides so... think about it. MOCO heads this way couple times a year anyway so jump in with him... I need the help (and extra bungees) to get that anchor he rides out. haha

cya, hauler
Dec 5, 2007
Boise ID
thats more like it

ya right. from the top of the bowl that only me (on 2moto bike no less) and the 2 mod sleds could climb... I could see into the next week!!! and you, like a small spec at the bottom looking up at me in awe. Thats a fancy work for wishin you could be more like me. hahaha

ah man, I'm gonna miss you too much to even bother riding this year.

cya, big H
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