Went up yesterday and it was pretty good. About 1.5 to 2 feet of fresh off trail. Only problem was it wasn't enough yet to ride out through the flats, you were still scraping the rocks and stumps. Great conditions to get out and trail ride tough It dropped about 3 inches in the couple hours I was up there. I'm thinking of going back up wednesday, with the forecasted snow drop today and tonight it should be good. OH, and no shelter.
Same report I got.Sister & her bf stopped by picked up a helmet and went to marble mountain snopark.Got pictures just can't get to post yet.Powder powder and more powder was all I kept hearing.Can't get up pinecreek yet or as the other guy was saying don't think you could cross Plains of Abraham without taking off the bark of a few trees.I'll try and get some pics up.Remember thats at probably 3500ft or less so the mountain has to have snow.So basically like blackgts said 1.5-2 ft of powder but no base to save your sled from buried rocks or foreign objects.
They've been snowshoeing for weeks on patches of snow so seeing any signs of powder was a big plus..Should be way more snow by wednesday so sounds like we have us some snow finally.Keep us informed MR Blackgts.Thanks for the report were all dying to hit the mountain.
A little snow is a blessing compared to what we haven't had.
Thanks Black & Bash for the reports, wish there was a warming hut and sounds like another couple feet with a blue bird day,but might have to burn some gas on trails & trees wed. or thurs. we'll see l<>l !!!
Went fishing for a 2009 m10 but guess they weren't biting on 7 gees.
So here i am btmo getting the bashercat put back together.Should have the transplant back up and beating in a couple days.All that powder is killing me!!! In a hurry hope don't make a mistake...........................
Thanks adams for the incentive to thrash and bash sounds like time to invest in a set of chains.Thanks for the report.The tow sled will be riding along side the mod sled for sure
I have chains but had to pull the forest ranger out because he had no chains and was stuck. Spent two hours digging my truck out, rode for about an hr, The new pro 800 performs great! so easy to ride in the deap snow.
Your a hell of a nice guy! Only goes to prove snowmobilers will help anyone out in need.Gotta like the way you roll with your new sled.Can't wait!!!
Thanks for the warning will be prepared with chains.
Didn't attempt to make it up today. No chains for the new truck. Forecast is looking like rain until saturday and then back to snow at park elevation, and snow straight through out on the flats. I work weekends so planning on heading up on Monday. Should be plenty of snow by then to not have to worry about rocks and stumps. I sas able to ride the boy around the yard a bit so he was happy.
Of course they started plowing the road after we get stuck..it should be plowed to Marble but will double check with my neighbor, he is in charge of that. The new pro has almost 200 miles on it, coming off my 2005 900 what a huge diff, but miss the power. Planning on a sat ride, should be deep.
It looks like our 5 ft of powder is all gone !!!!!!! Any info on marble mountain snow Park for tomorrow.
Or is Mt Adams a better bet?
Have 2 beginner riders so worried about taking them to pineside.Is there anY reports from anyone?.
Thanks really appreciate it.
Valcano cam shows nothing but rocks!!!!!!!! How sad all gone in 2 days.Snowtel showed 79 inches wednesday now 58 inches today so just wondering if any snow left at the snowpark.Can we even make it to the mountain from marble.?
Thanks blkspd. If it's freezing that's better than rain.
I would go to adams. If you have new riders take them to flattop snow park. Snotel is showing 30 DEG. right now . I dont know if its going to get groomed. I talk to the guy at the Chevron station he said maybe this weekend. Snowking & Pineside are also plowed. We are going up on Sun.
Is it plowed to the park? and enough to ride out to the flats yet? any info helps, looks like the begining of the week started good but got some rain later in the week. any info helps.thanks
Looked every where and just can't good a good report with snotel or any other site. Looked like rocks from the volcano cam this morning.Need some one who's seen it today or yesterday.Was going to Adams but can't trust my sled first ride out.Marble in the morning if we can confirm there's snow..All this warm rain really sucks after all that powder wednesday.Still in shock over the snotel readings.
Please anyone with a report ??????????