Well-known member
Hello from a frusterated POO owner. My 8 just tok yet another $hit last Saturday. I am thinking about another Cat. I bought an 07 M8 the first year and installed a Speedwerx pie, Y and exhaust. I was very dissapointed in the 40 top track speed on it. I rode it that season and went back to a POO 700, which I loved. I now have an 09 POO8 with twin pipes and a 153 PC track. This sled runs very good... until Saturday. This is the third time. I hopped on an 09 M8 162 the other day. It had the same pseedwerx setup on it as my 07. Again. I was severely dissapointed in the lack of power. Here is my question: Does the 2010 8 run THAT much better than the 07-09. Maybe i'm just crazy, but the slow spooling powerband on the 07-09 is booooooring to me. Could it be that 2 of the same sleds taht I rode were POS's. Sorry if it sounds like I'm ripping on Cat, it just that I loved the chassy and would like to try another Cat, it didn't help seeing that 09 -162 stuck below me the other day in deeeep snow that should have allowed the longer track to go past me. Your info would be greatly apprecaited, thanks... Jake