I can't get my max rpm recall to reset. Any one had this problem? The manual says it should reset everytime you shut it off. Is there a way to reboot the guage?
Mine does the same thing.....But I found this in a collection of useful stuff that was posted on here somewhere...can't remember where though. Anyways I haven't got to try this so I'm not sure it will work...
Press the top button to get mph in the digital display and then hold down the top button for a second or two and it will switch to km. Repeat to get it back to mph. The speedo has to be set to kph. Hold the top button while it is in RPM mode and it will tell you the max RPM. To reset it you need to bring up the max RPM then push and hold both buttons until it reads current RPM. This will have to be done before each run or it will not record any new data. Just set it to KHM and change it back to RPM and reset it. It'll work every time this way.