Hey I have a 2007 M1000 that im planning on throwing a new powerclaw track onto. I was also planning on doing some clutch work. Im just wondering what you guys have done to your clutches and what kits work? Was kind of thinking about black diamond but i want to see what everyone else is using. thanks
Here is what I have done this fall. I haven't ran this setup yet but I am hoping it will work out.
Run the SLP PN40-70 Blue and Yellow primary spring. 140/310 with the stock weights. Then run a D&D shift assist bearing in the secondary. I talked to Black Diamond and asked for a straight 40. They thought the 40 might be to much at my elevation 5-8000f. So he suggested the 40/38 progressive helix, rather than the straight 40 that I was thinking about. Black Diamond felt the progressive 40/38 would pull hard on the bottom and still hold the r's on top.