For those of you who haven't heard I was buried in an Avalanche on Saturday 4-3-10 over by Stampede Pass. I was under the snow for only a couple minutes before I was dug out by Jason and John from Pierrie's Polaris, Jim Sternod and several others that I can't remember but am glad that they were there to help. The snow was wet and heavy and I ended up buried head first down hill with one of my legs out of the snow. The snow crushed my chest and I had/have a pulmonary contusion. One of the blood vessels in my left lung ruptured and I was coughing up some blood. I was able to ride out 10 miles to the truck, where my dad drove me straight to Overlake Hospital. In hind site we should have had an ambulance meet us at the freeway and do the transport. When I got to the ER I was really low on Oxygen in my blood about 50%. I had X-rays done and it showed both lungs being bruised and my heart was also bruised. I was in the hospital until Monday 4-5-10. I am on Oxygen at least for a week while my lungs repair themselves. My heart is good and I will recover completely. I am so lucky to still be alive and am forever in the debt of those who saved me. I went out with a plan to only ride in the trees and I didn’t follow it. That will never happen again. Always stick to your plan! I am very fortunate that everyone I ride with wears beacons and carries the proper gear. I am already looking at the options I have for an airbag type pack or vest. Not that I want to put myself in danger again but I never want to be buried under the snow like that. Chris Fadden, Monroe WA