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It's open and serving up 2007 Budwieser Brew Masters Private Reserve. A lovely dopplebock coming in at 8.5%
man jeese miller lite!!! Is the heat getting to you?

I tried an excellent Fl beer well I was down there, it was Hurricane Reef, you should try it. Man that's a good sounding dinner.

I'm on glass 3 of this special Bud and it's starting to warm me!! Think I maybe switching over to HAMMS when it's gone!

I feel sorry for you H2SNOW but these things happen.:mad::beer;:beer;:beer;
man jeese miller lite!!! Is the heat getting to you?

I tried an excellent Fl beer well I was down there, it was Hurricane Reef, you should try it. Man that's a good sounding dinner.


it was good ecxept now i dont have much room for beer.. oh, and the half of pepper i ate with my salad is taking a toll on my acid reflux problem.. gotta go get a pepcid...
ease up old man!!

Man the lounges are dead now adays! Where is everyone, out riding?
A bud of Columbia's finest and polish up the old 900. What a wonderful time of the year. :)

Be careful out there H2! :beer;
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