its pretty straight forward
-start by removing the drain plug from the bottom of the chain case and getting the oil out (preferably into a pail) and let drain while you do some other prep
-remove side panels from sled completely
-remove belt
-remove exhaust can
-remove secondary (keep note of washer setup for re-installation)
-apply parking brake or have someone hold break lever while you undo the bolt holding the break disk on
***note*** for these steps DO NOT have a friend with an identical sled disassemble the chain case, makes it a real PITA when he's not there and you go to reassemble one of these for the first time
-remove bolts from back side of caliper, no need to remove lines, just turn it off to the side
-by the time the oil should have drained completely or at least enough to not make a mess, so you can remove the bolts holding the chain case cover in place
-remove cover, you'll have to pull evenly and eventually give it a little bit of a twist to get it off
-take the tension off the chain and remove the tightener
-remove spacer from jackshaft (upper), note there is an O-ring here to watch for under the spacer, I ripped mine and ended up getting a new one from John Deere when my dealer didn't have one
-remove chain
-remove bolts from both gears
-remove gears
-go to clutch side and remove the 6 10m nuts that hold the opposite end of the drivers in place, note this also holds your speedo housing
-now to remove the tension from your existing track
-undo rear torsion springs (there is a pin that holds these)
-remove 4 suspension mount bolts
-remove rear skid
-remove drivers
-remove track
and now reverse the process
this is a link for a 11 SB Assault, the drivetrain should be the same in yours if you want to search for your exact sled