I am looking for a sled for the wife, she isnt aggressive but likes to have fun, we mostly boondock. Her last sled was a 2002 MC600 136 and she liked that. I was looking at a Phazer, but am worried it might not have enough power ( I dont know how it would compare to her old cat) so I was thinking about a turbo phazer. But how easy are they to ride (being a turbo) and how easy are they to adjust down, she doesnt want or need 140 horse, so I was thinking about 110 or so. I know someone will say just cause you have the power doesnt mean you have to use it, I know this, but it is more of a peace of mind if I could dial it down. Or is there a point where the turbo becomes useless if you go down to far. This option also works for me because then I have a decent back up sled, or one a friend could use. Anyways I am wanting some advice so thanks for all input.