Wondering if this would be a reasonable choice for my first real snowmobile. Any history with real problems? It has 1400 easy miles and appears in excellent shape. We want to ski access, backcountry camp and I'd like to learn to play a bit too. Price is 5500. Hard to find a 600 here and iam intimidated by 800s just yet. If it's a good match what could I do to improve it for fun. Iam a gear head and have been researching it but new to snowmobile lingo so slow going. Thanks Charlie

2016 Arctic Cat 600 Sno Pro - atvs, utvs, snowmobiles - by owner -...
141 track with 2.6 deep cleats. No problems ever with this sled. Price includes deluxe tunnel bad, oil,spare belt, and gold finger. Does have reverse and electric start. 1475 miles