I don't recall the mix rate off the top of my head, my bottle is out in the shop, so I will check it in the morning and get back to ya. One thing I can say is=== The label and instructions show the "basic" rates of mix, I usually add 15-25% on top of that for tempo, roundup, curtail, lv6, 2-4-d, etc. Just from what I've seen from my results. And for the record, I have seen better results with my formulas than what the labels say. Kind of like buying roundup in the little spray bottle from wally world, THAT CHIT is sooooo watered down it almost waters the weed rather than killing it. I buy my chems in bulk and mix myself, MUCH better results.
One thing to note is you will NOT see instant results with Tempo. When you spray allow 10 days to see some results, then spray again, then allow 10-14 days for full results to show. Plan your spraying at least 3 weeks before the wedding, any you should be good. The other key is, is finding their breeding spots and eliminate ALL water source if possible.