Those are all things our government is doing right now. Is our government run by liberals?
Actually yes, liberals do currently run the country.
Just ask em.
Palosi, Reid and Bo are all liberals.
They run the 3 branches of government, so yes, liberals do currently run the government.
As for republican or democrat.
Both terms hold little true merit anymore.
A democrat used to be blue collar and republican used to be buisness.
Neither holds true anymore.
For the last 50 years both parties have gone more and more towards marxist or socialistic policies. Medicaid, medicare, SS, welfare, no child left behind, the list goes on and on. None of those programs are currently run in accordance with the constitution.
Because to run them according to the constitution would limit the power in washington which is what the last 50 years has been all about. Gathering power for the people in washington.
Neither party actually governs for the betterment of the country as a whole, they pander to special interest groups and the media. They tell you one thing and then do something completely different. You have politicians who are openly stating they will govern against the will of the very people they are supposed to support, however since they are doing what the media and the liberals in charge want, it is overlooked instead of exposed.
You can argue till your blue in the face and your lips fall off, it won't matter. Until we can fundamentally change the mind set in washington, nothing will change.