Lose the silent chain and cheap powder metal upper sprocket
First, I'm not a Cat guy, but from the pics: Those are powder metal Sprockets=weak and fragile. Additionally I believe Cats are still using silent chain which is even more prone to failure, due to the tooth profile (thinner) and more sliding friction as the chain meshes with the sprocket. There is a reason the automakers switched to HYVO more than 20 years ago, In a word RELIABILITY! Not to mention it is stronger and stretches less.
If you want to stay chain, switch to HYVO and run a billet (machined) sprocket on the top, if you can afford a billet bottom fine if not the powder metal in that large of a diameter should last.
Regardless you should check the rest of the bearings and shafts to verify they are running true and in alignment. If you opt for going to the belt drive, verifying the shafts, bearings, alignment, and that everything is planer in all three dimensions is paramount. The chain will handle more misalignment than the belt because the chain is narrower and can flex some at every pin. The belt will suffer a short life if the proper alignment in all three planes is not met. FWIW