Read some of the other crap on their site, found this... here's their goal... don't exactly see the fairness they are complaining about, just go look at how they have posted the same Yellowstone link we have used to comment, with a template and all. Bunch of fuks....
Snowlands Network, therefore, has adopted the following policies for over-the-snow (OSV) motor vehicle recreation:
- The operation of vehicles for recreation on public land is a privilege not a right.
- OSV recreation may be permitted on public land, but only where appropriate and under certain conditions and restrictions:
- <LI type=a>There is a demand for OSV recreation in the area that cannot be met on private land, <LI type=a>There is no significant adverse impact to the environment, vegetation, and wildlife, <LI type=a>The impact on other forms of recreation is minimized, and
- The use is well-regulated and monitored, with effective education, enforcement, conservation, and rehabilitation policies and practices.
- OSV use on public land should be limited primarily to existing, designated roads and trails.
- Limited open riding areas may be permitted where such use will not conflict with other users, will not disturb wildlife or vegetation, and will not harm natural resources.
- Areas should be closed to OSV use unless designated open.
- Regulations requiring minimum snow depths for OSV use should be established and enforced to protect soil, vegetation, and wildlife habitat.
- Adequate environmental analysis must be performed before OSV recreation is permitted. The analysis must take into account the impact of OSV recreation on other users and must have a significant review with public input every 5 years.
- Some portion of each area that permits OSV recreation should be set aside specifically for non-motorized recreation to provide an equivalent recreational opportunity.
- Conflict between user groups must be monitored and mitigated when it occurs. The absence of conflict reports should not be taken as evidence of no conflict.
- The availability of funds for a particular type of recreation is not in itself a justification for providing that form of recreational opportunity.
- All applicable environmental and land management policy regulations must be enforced, including, for National Forests, 36 CFR 295, which states in part:
. . . The planning process will analyze and evaluate current and potential impacts arising from operation of specific vehicle types on soil, water, vegetation, fish and wildlife, forest visitors and cultural and historic resources. If the analysis indicates that the use of one or more vehicle types off roads will cause considerable adverse effects on the resources or other forest visitors, use of the affected areas and trails by the vehicle type or types likely to cause such adverse effects will be restricted or prohibited until such time as the adverse effects can be eliminated as provided in 36 CFR part 261. (36 CFR 295.2(a))
Off-road vehicle management plans shall provide vehicle management direction aimed at resource protection, public safety of all users, minimizing conflicts among users, and provide for diverse use and benefits of the National Forests. Designation of areas and trails shall be in accordance with the following:
. . . (3) Areas and trails shall be located to minimize conflicts between off-road vehicle use and other existing or proposed recreational uses of the same or neighboring public lands, and to ensure the compatibility of such uses with existing conditions in populated areas, taking into account noise and other factors. (36 CFR 295.2(b))
The effects of use by specific types of vehicles off roads on National Forest System lands will be monitored. If the results of monitoring, including public input, indicate that the use of one or more vehicle types off roads is causing or will cause considerable adverse effects on the factors and resource values referred to in Sec. 295.2, the area or trail suffering adverse effects will be immediately closed to the responsible vehicle type or types until the adverse effects have been eliminated and measures have been implemented to prevent future recurrence as provided in 36 CFR part 261. (36 CFR 295.5)"