Here 1 for ya BR. My back up sled-09 M1000, D&D exhaust, timbersled intake, cpc fuel pressure regulator, Pure logic fuel controls, snowstuff windshield, BDX headlight delete AC Hood vent, slp flowrites for shock towers, boondocker gills side vents, KOSO egt's, BDX lite 56/64 gearing, RKT secondary, and simmons skis. Black ski loops on order I know I know..............
And this is my main ride. 06 m7 with D&D 900 big bore, simmons skis, pure logic controller, OVS secondary, boondocker gills, hrp bracket, billett wheels, 2.5 chall extreme, boss seat, Van amburg tunnel, digitron egt's, 2" powermadd riser, goldfinger left throttle, snowstuff winshield, AC hood vent, timbersled intake, v-force 3 reeds, slp flowrites everywheres, 7 new sets of a-arms and way too much time into it.
i've got 1s and 2s for my gals ride 2s so i don't have to pull her out..i rode it today for the first time and im thinkn my pp are superior. must be hard pack up there
hey slediot we have made a good impression with those peak winsheilds everyone seems to always be askingwere we got them now a lot of members have them good looking sleds guys
oh and d you cant honestly expect me to belive old faithful is your backup sled with the 1000 running as good as she does