You have to remember.
It has been a LONG time since times were bad in this country.
Most people (the under 30 crowd) have never experienced hard times.
If you wanted a better job, you just went and got one.
If you wanted the big screen TV, just go buy it.
They have no clue or concept of restraint.
So for this crowd it has to be someone's fault, they arn't emotionally or financially equiped to deal with it. They were looking for someone to step in and make it all right.
To wave a majic wand and make everything better.
They are beginning to learn there is no majic bullet.
Remember, we had the "YUPPIE" generation, followed by the "ME" generation, followed by generation "X", none of those groups have any clue what is happening or what to do about or how to insulate themselves. So they will go with anyone that promises them what they want. Doesn't matter if it's not possible, just that someone will take the worry away and make it all good again.