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Let the Indictments begin!!

Nov 26, 2007
Everett, Wa.
Please iknclude Algore and all the politicians pushing this fraud in the US. Swampy:peep:

'Abolish U.N. climate panel, indict chief'
Former Thatcher adviser documents fraud by global body
Posted: May 18, 2010
8:34 pm Eastern
By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2010 WorldNetDaily
CHICAGO – Lord Christopher Monckton, a former science adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, called for the abolishment of the United Nations climate committee and the indictment of the U.N.'s chief climate scientist for financial fraud.
Monckton was the featured speaker today at the closing luncheon of the Heartland Institute's Fourth International Conference on Climate Change in Chicago.
"While we are on the subject of the IPCC," Monckton told the conference, referring to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, "my policy for the future of that body is that it should be abolished."
Monckton objected to the IPCC misrepresenting scientific data to advance Penn State climatologist Michael Mann's "hockey stick" chart to argue that human activity is responsible for global warming, the core thesis of the IPCC-advanced theory of anthropogenic global warming, or AGW.

Utilizing a series of charts, Monckton objected to the statistical manipulations employed by the U.N. to make it appear human activity was the cause of global warming in the last decades of the 20th century.

Reworking the data utilized by the IPCC in Mann's "hockey stick" graph, Monckton identified three distinct periods of global warming – 1860-1880, 1910-1940 and 1975-2001 – that he argued were naturally occurring cycles not resulting from human activity.
Monckton then called upon Rajendra Pachauri, the Indian railway engineer currently heading the U.N. IPCC, to withdraw the graph and publish the correction on the IPCC website, "Or, I am going to report you for criminal fraud."
His basis for accusing Pachauri of criminal fraud hinged on an analysis of TERI Europe, a non-profit operated by Pachauri, which had neglected to report a grant for 30,000 British pounds, approximately $43,400, that Monckton found listed on a British government website.
To a round of applause, Monckton announced to the conference that within two days of his charges, TERI Europe, the European branch of Tata Energy Research Institute, acknowledged it had filed false accounts and that the accounts would be corrected.
After his speech, WND asked Monckton to confirm he was seriously calling for the IPPC to be abolished and for its chief scientist, Rajendra Pachauri, to be prosecuted for criminal fraud.
"That is precisely what I am saying," Monckton said. "The IPCC should be done away with, and I believe Pachauri has engaged in criminal fraud with financial statements."
Pachauri profits from carbon ties
WND has previously reported Pachauri, the multi-millionaire Indian industrial engineer who has been chair since 2002 of IPCC, stands to profit handsomely from global warming through his extensive international business relationships.
Carbon-related business ties Pachauri has established include:
• His chairmanship of the Asian Development Bank Advisory Group on Climate Change.
• WND reported British steelmaker Corus Redcar, owned by the TATA Group, an Indian multinational conglomerate headquartered in Mumbai, has gained hundreds of millions of dollars in windfall profits from cashing in on EU carbon credits and moving to India, where the company expects to cash in on U.N. carbon credits.
• In 1974, the TATA Group provided the financial resources to found the Tata Energy Research Institute, or TERI, a policy organization headquartered in New Delhi, India, of which Pachauri has been chairman since the group was formed.
• Continued business ties between TERI and TATA are documented by a press announcement on the TERI website dated Feb. 4, 2009. In the release, Jairam Ramesh, the Indian minister of state for commerce and industry as well as minister of state for power, announced a joint venture with TERI and TATA power to extract and use carbon dioxide for the propagation of micro-algae.
• Emil Salim, an adviser to Indonesia's president on environmental issues, is a member of the Asia-Pacific Forum for Environment and Development, or APFED, with Pachauri serving as a member of the steering committee. APFED sponsors the "Partnership Initiatives for Knowledge Network and Capacity Building," with TERI as a major partner. Salim also chairs the Asian Energy Institute that was set up in 1989 by TERI, with financial assistance from the Indian government.
Among the many government and industry affiliations Pachauri lists on his biography are the following: honorary member of the H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and Environment; member of the advisory group for the Rockefeller Foundation; and adviser to the international advisory board of Toyota Motor Corporation in Japan.
"By fingering carbon dioxide as the primary driver of AGW [Anthropogenic Global Warming], the IPCC has been responsible for creating the market in carbon trading," writes James Delingpole of the Telegraph of London. "Dr. Pachauri was, of course, the lead author on the IPCC's second report which paved the way to Kyoto – which in turn ushered in the first carbon trading schemes."
'One-world government'
WND reported in October Monckton's charge that the purpose of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen last December was to utilize global warming fears as the pretext to lay the foundation for a one-world government.
"I read that treaty and what it says is this: that a world government is going to be created. The word 'government' actually appears as the first of three purposes of the new entity," he said at a speech in St. Paul, Minn.
"The second purpose is the transfer of wealth from the countries of the West to third world countries, in satisfaction of what is called, coyly, 'climate debt' – because we've been burning CO2 and they haven't. We've been screwing up the climate and they haven't. And the third purpose of this new entity, this government, is enforcement."
In the hour-and-a-half lecture in October illustrated by slides featuring scientific data on a wide range of climate issues, Monckton rebutted claims by former Vice President Al Gore and the IPCC.
"So, thank you, America. You were the beacon of freedom to the world. It is a privilege to stand on this soil of freedom while it is still free," he said. "But, in the next few weeks, unless you stop it, your president will sign your freedom, your democracy, and your humanity away forever.
"But I think it is here, here in your great nation, which I so love and I so admire – it is here that perhaps, at this eleventh hour, at the 59th minute and 59th second, you will rise up and you will stop your president from signing that dreadful treaty, that purposeless treaty. For there is no problem with the climate and, even if there were, an economic treaty does nothing to [help] it."
Some 700 policymakers, opinion leaders, elected national and state legislators, scientists, economists and media are attending the Heartland Institute conference. The come from a wide range of countries, including the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Russia, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Australia and Mexico.
The Heartland Institute is a non-profit organization funded by 1,500 donors. The organization says no corporate donor provides more than 5 percent of its $7 million annual budget.


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