So as if we weren't readily aware that going to college in this day in age doesn't really offer you any sort of education whatsoever aside from the fact that if you don't agree with your mindless liberal professors bull**** you flunk out of it ...
We are also going to have an "Environmental Gestapo" made up primarily of formerly "illegal" aliens so he can fulfill his "3 million green jobs" promise.
Is there anyone left in this country who has any dbout whatsoever that the intentions of this administration are to lay the ground work for turning American into a new-wave sociocommunistic fascist state?
Best-selling author and conservative activist David Horowitz tells Newsmax of a “huge scandal” in American academics — a taxpayer-supported college is training students to overthrow the U.S. government.
So as if we weren't readily aware that going to college in this day in age doesn't really offer you any sort of education whatsoever aside from the fact that if you don't agree with your mindless liberal professors bull**** you flunk out of it ...
"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."
We are also going to have an "Environmental Gestapo" made up primarily of formerly "illegal" aliens so he can fulfill his "3 million green jobs" promise.
Is there anyone left in this country who has any dbout whatsoever that the intentions of this administration are to lay the ground work for turning American into a new-wave sociocommunistic fascist state?