The whole story is, my wife had talked to him over the phone several times about taking a credit building loan, and had told me that he was kinda rude, both of us just figured that he just comes accross that way on the phone. my wife (who is not a rude person, but will return the favor if someone is rude enough, but it takes a bit)went into get a loan from this prick(who we didn't know he was a prick at the time) and she said that he was being pretty rude to her and making coments about her hours and income and bills. Understandably, she can only take so much of the rudeness and is agravated by it. He tells her that he can't help her after he said that he could. So my wife comes and talks to me and tells me again that he was rude to her. She also asked me if I could co-sign for her or perferably use one of our other vehicles as colateral. We go inside to talk to them and we are at the front desk and asking if we could use colateral or a co-signer, and he comes around the corner and yells, we cant help you to my wife. Shes start to ask him, and he jumps down her throat, and yells, we can't help you, weve gone over it. At this point I am pretty angry, for one he didn't even listen to what we had to say, two, he was yelling at my wife, and three, we are the customers. At this point I stepped in and advised him to lose the attitude, and to not talk to my with that way. He is a genuine prick, don't know who pissed in his cherios that morning, nor do I care. No customer should be treated that way.