Kyle was killed in an avalanche march 31st 2005.
This is just my recolection of events, may not be 100% accurate.
He and 2 friends were riding monty cristo.
They were looking for the canyon just south of whisky hill where you can go down the ravine then head north to the base of whisky.
They ended up just north of the canyon... Still south of whisky.
Steep hill with overhanging cornice and trees below.
They knew they were in the wrong location, but aparantly there was an opening in the cornice, a slight sidehill, and an open path down the ridge to the flats at the bottom.
Kyle went in the opening and imediately the hill slid and pulled him straight down the hill into the trees.
He was recovered very quickly with the use of beacons, but they were not able to save him.
Kyle was always the life of the party and was always one to plan trips to his property, dunes, and sledding.
Kyle had a way of drawing people close to him and although he had many different groups of friends, he seemed to always draw us closer together.
I have known Kyle and his family since highschool and was very close to him and his family.
I/We miss you on a daily basis Kyle!