In all my time on this forum and the old forum, I cannot recall any threads started by "couch riders" calling out the "one-skiers" but yet I can remember at least a dozen threads where Hawk riders keep badgering the "two-skiers". I don't read the Hawk section so please correct me if I'm wrong if some sledder has come into that section and posted unretalitory, unsolicited derogatory remarks about the Hawk.
SHA did great things for you Hawk riders on this site by pretty much turning a lot of people against you. IMO, you should be trying to improve that relationship if you want to be accepted as part of the majority, not throwing fuel on the fire.
Yes, this is a sled site, so you're correct, let's talk sleds. You talk about "segregation", but yet......you're the ones who have segregated yourselves. You can't start a thread about how great the snow hawk is and how much sleds suck and then start another one about how you love all sports and as "sledders" we should all get along and sit idly by while you tell us how antiquated our sleds and riding tactics are and generalize about sledders....
Either practice what you preach or the only bus you'll be sitting on is the one full of hypocrits.