I got a Klim Nac Pac for Christmas. It is an awesome bag. It would be cool to see how others have theirs set up; shovel placement, etc. There are a ton of features on the bag and it would be interesting to see how everyone uses them.
Here is my pack. It has a first aid kit, food, drinks, zip ties, string, leatherman, toilet paper, extra gloves, etc, etc. I don't use the bladder in it. I took it out and use the pocket for my extra gloves and a beany for the longer stops.
If you look at the top left of the second picture my wife has sewn a velcro strap on to secure the shovel handle. It fell out last year when I fell off my sled. I wouldn't have even noticed the handle was gone but my buddy saw it laying were I had been. I couldn't figure out how to hold the handle in without some type of modification. The shovel handle had two holes in it which is what we ran the string though. Then velcro it down and the handle is secure.
My wife and I use the Klim Nac Pac and I really only have one complaint about it.
The pockets at the bottom sides where the bottom of the handle for the shovel go is perfect size for the handle but the other one is WAAYYY too small to fit the probe into when it's all folded up, in it's little pouch.
It won't even fit without the pouch.
I will have to modify the pocket to make it larger so the probe will fit.
Right now I have the pouch for the probe pinned to the outside of the little pocket to keep the probe package from escaping
Other than that and the fact that the small, narrow sleeves inside the hydration bag (I don't use that either) storage pouch are too small to fit a real sized Mag for the XD-45
How's everyone else attaching their probes to the pack?
I have an older version........my probe, shovel and handle all fit inside the pack, along with a ton of other things. I'll have to get pics....though that doesn't do much good for those with the newer models.