With all due respect, here is the REST of the story.
When I first posted this thread, it was just after I came from RMS having just bought one of the ABS packs.
They were quite clear in telling me that they were offering ALL the ABS packs at -30% off MSRP as that was their cost. They were not loosing any money on the deal. Rather they were liquidating left over stock from last winter in the middle of the summer. In my book, a VERY wise business decision. They told me that the packs had been ON-SALE at that price for some time, but no one had really shown any interest. After purchasing mine I told them I would pass on the word to my friends on Snowest and that I was pretty sure I could help them sell ALL of them in short order.
Now, after reading the comments on this thread from yesterday, I took the time to go and pay Rexburg Motor Sports a visit this afternoon.
After speaking with multiple employees I got the following story.
Their KLIM Sales rep either read my thread here on Snowest, or was told about it and called RMS. He put some pressure on them to cancel the sale. As they said, their dealership for the Klim line was in jeopardy because of the sale. So they were strongly encouraged to terminate the sale ASAP. Universally, all the employees that spoke to me held that Klim Sales Rep in VERY LOW ESTEEM. he is clearly not well thought of by the staff, regardless of how great their product is (and I am 100% Klim user!)
So while they told me that they were 100% Sold-Out and that the sale was over, they were at the very same moment on the phone with another customer discussing the ABS pack that he was coming in to take delivery of.
Hearing that conversation left me with the clear impression that they had been told to say they were sold-out. Perhaps they really were, I honestly do not know.
All that said, I am a very solid customer of RMS, I spent $30,000 there this month so far.
And I am solid customer and strong supporter of KLIM, having bought 100% of my Snowmobiling gear from them. Heck, I am a walking KLIM poster boy when I go sledding.
So I am NOT BASHING either company in any way.
Just letting everyone here know the reality of the situation so far as I am able to ascertain it.
Klim has a very aggressive price fixing policy that allows for no Internet discounting, and sales in stores that are authorized dealers on old materials only.
Should I mention that RMS had all of the KLIM Helmets on Sale as well? I bought FOUR of them for $150 each!