My sled is currently dead in the backcountry from this very same situation. I'm pretty sure the sled is grounding out somewhere and thats why there is no spark.... well, let me clarify that. There is spark, but it's so weak you can barely see it with the sun out (it was very bright out yesterday).
Same situation.... I just finished climbing a small draw and was meandering through the woods looking for the rest of our crew. I stopped, turned the key off (my kill switch is broke) like normal, and waited. About a minute later a friend pulled up, we listened for our friends, and then we decided to start up and move farther down the hill. Only problem is I didn't start. I know my EFI very well, so when it doesn't start on the first pull I know something isn't right. 5 pulls later I knew something bad was going down.
Long story short, pulled the plugs (nice chocolate brown), pulled the key switch apart, pulled the kill switch housing apart, tested spark (very very very faint), loaded fuel in the cylinders to check if fuel pump was the issue, traced all cables near the handlebars, tapped on the ECU (praying it would "wake up").... nothing.
Now after getting home and talking to a couple people it became obvious.... probobly a wiring issue. Something is grounding out. I'm going to check my motor ground and look at some other cables if I can ride back there today. Any other suggestions other than above?
Thanks fellas.