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Kicking off the season! YSB Mtg Sept. 5th!!!


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Hello again to all my Ski-Bender friends! Boy, has the last two weeks been hot and smokey enough for you or what? I know I'm definitely ready to start thinking about cooler days and fresher air. With that in mind, we're approaching the first meeting of the 2018 season FAST, infact I almost forgot I had to start coming up meeting material to get mailed out there, haha! Time flies...

I'd like to invite all of you to our first meeting of the season, Tuesday September 5th 2017 at Bob's Burgers and Brew located just off the I-82 & Yakima Ave. exit at 121 North Fair avenue next to the Gateway Center. Most notably, we'll be discussing plans for this year's Chinook Pass Music Festival. This is always a great start to our season getting us into the mountains together for some fun and also to help the club earn some money to help put on some of our events throughout the year. As was already approved at one of the last meetings this spring, we have plans to purchase a brand new Generator for the club to use at our various functions and this event will help us to do that, along with many other things. If you have the time, please consider volunteering to help out the club with this event. There are many changes this year and Mike and Liz will be seeking help to make this a success for everyone. Watch for further updates on our involvement with Chinookfest to come from Liz.

I'd also like to thank everyone who came out to work on the summer clean up and trail work party. We had a great turn out and got a fair bit of work done on the new trail. There's still more to do, but it is coming along nicely. We'll have a report on the progress at the meeting.

I'll keep it short for now, but lets all start doing some snow dances and remember that the season is getting closer by the day, and we don't want to get caught with snow on the ground and no way to have fun in it!

Keep watching your email for updates on the first meeting and Chinookfest planning as it approaches. For now though, I want to invite you all to join us for our first meeting on Tuesday September 5th at Bob's Burgers and Brew in the banquet room. Dinner and social hour start at 6pm and the meeting will begin at 7 pm. See you there!

Seth Ahlbrecht
Yakima Ski-Benders.
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