Speaking of the limiter strap -- how much shorter is the one on the PRO? Somebody suggested a few months ago (and I forgot who and the details) that shortening the limiter strap a half inch (?) would also make it less tippy side to side. This makes no sense to me but at this point I'll try anything. In the case of my Khaos, when I first got it, it was either stuck to the ground or all the way over on its side.. there was no in between. I tightened up the low speed compression a bit and got it somewhat manageable but still very hard to hold it on one ski. Keep in mind this is on California's fairly set snow. I never did get a good powder day last year. Before the last ride of last season, I tightend up the preload 1/2" as well, as a friend's PRO had about 1/2" more preload. BUT, I got sick and didn't make it to that ride so I have no idea if it helped or made things worse.
My other thought would be to pick up a set of PRO front shocks.. I've seen used sets on eBay in the $400 range, but it seems that the adjustable ones on my Khaos should be able to be set to about the same thing. I dunno.