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Just have to ask......



Well-known member
So why are all you turbo guys all of a sudden selling your sleds? Three guys that are on here on a daily basis have put their sleds up in the past two days. Am I missing something. Are you just getting tired of fiddling around with tuning? Are the stock sleds that good now.
I love boost! And ill probably buy and boost another sled in the summer! But theres no snow and summer is already on my mind... Next weekend im driving 5hrs to get the dirtbike back on the track since theres no new snow. Has nothing to do with being tired of tuning or something like that, I love almost everything about boosted sleds!
I sold mine to build another. Somebody got a great deal on my old one and I'm loving the new one. Praying we get more snow in Feb, Mar and Apr.
I don't disagree that you guys are selling your sleds nor am I trying to flame you. At least snowmow and thunder and a few others are asking what they are worth. The thing I hate is when someone post one up for sale dirt cheap cause then it just drives the market down. When they are priced cheap the first thing that comes to my head is it runs like chit and they can't figure it out so they want to dump it. It's crossed my mind to sell mine and do a new build but then I stop and think why. I won't get what it's worth, it's paid for, and runs great, and I also don't go every weekend cause I have a 8 hr drive so I only make it out maybe six times. So why sell.
My main reason was it had too many miles, and not building the next one was simply cost. I can't afford to build every sled with boost, I ride too much for that. After riding some of the newer big bores though, I don't think I'll build another turbo.

I can get a BB for less than 1/2 of what boost costs, and do install myself quick & easy, so pretty sure that's what I'll do next time I get a cat. Not sure I trust BB'ing a doo!! :D

For me it's about cost effectiveness. I LOVE boost, but it's just too pricey, and too much of a pain to switch it from one sled to another. Most of my other mods can come with me from sled to sled, I like mods like that given the choice.
I switched to be in the new chassis, also got a good deal on the BB. Having been boosted for the last 3+ seasons there where times when I couldn't imagine having boost either, but none of my riding group is boosted, and honestly it's more fun when everyone is on roughly the same playing field. I have really enjoyed being back NA and don't see a need to go back, these new sleds are just amazing in their abilities with a few small tweaks to fit each of us.

It does suck when sleds are driven down with the low price of others, but frankly I've ridden with many people with turbo's and their abilities don't match the sled they are riding. I still haven't been able to out ride my sled I've got now, let alone with it being boosted. I'm also with Kaleb, boost is just really expensive and it is next to impossible to take along to the next sled, especially with chassis and motor changes we are seeing on a consistent basis. I parted my sled out and made MUCH more then the highest offer I got on it, might be a way to go for some of you who's sleds are as modded as mine was. Stupid thing is worth more in parts then as a whole.

Maybe someday I'll be back, but it'll be on someone else's dime, taking the upfront hit, before i'll take the 4-5k hit myself. Just my .02...
Really why does anyone sell any sled? They gotta have the latest and greatest? They gotta have a new challenge? What ever the reason, its generally a personal choice.

I found out long ago that It was crazy to buy a new sled just to tear it apart and throw everything away and put on light parts and performance goodies. You just take a beating and for what? You got it where you like it and buy into the hype about the new model waiting at the dealer. You start all over.

If you leave em stock and ride em they will always be marketable. Modded sleds seldom get any kind of return....just life!
It has been a long road to Hoe

but I finally have my sled exactly how i've always wanted it, i just got the 174 track, VE 174 tunnel extension, and Full Kmod with Raptors. it's a Twisted Turbo garrett 2871R2 turbo running 10 psi straight avgas. I'm going to run it until it wears out, then 925 BB or 950BB. I have not ridden the proclimb chassis , yet but what I have seen riding with buddies, they don't have much over on me, even when boosted, I can go and do, as well as they can if not better. Tho the new Viper with a 174x3", 2863 water to air, at 12-14 psi boost on avgas at say 310 HP could change my mind.
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