Today was the first day with no oil mixed in the tank and i have 80 miles on the durability kit. I have the exhaust ported and polished pretty harsh, I drilled the 3 holes in the airbox per Bikemans instructions. I rode for the last 3 days with some premixed gas with no issues on the non ethanol setting. Now i rode today and it was so deep i was wide open more than not, the last pull i did i had it pinched for a good 3 minutes to try to get a trail started once i reached the peak the sled wanted to puke when i let off and the engine light was flashing. I shut the sled off and then restarted but had to hold the throttle to the bars to get it to start and run it wants to puke anything less than a quarter throttle. I am thinking the tps is the cause of the idle and engine light, but after this happend i pulled the plugs and they are white with almost no tan on them. I did not adjust the oil pump yet because last year at sea level i burned a ton of oil so i thought it was ok. I think I need to up the oil as well as get the machine hooked up to the computer to clear and check the tps codes. I know the tps is suppose to clear when shutoff but something must be going on i have no icing on the throttle block so i am not sure. I did blow a belt and cords went flying not sure if they hit something and caused a malfunction but it all happend at that long pull. Does anyone have any suggestions. I am going to see if MWP here in Jackson has a boondocker box i can put on to up the fuel, not sure where else to get one besides from idaho falls right from boondocker same day shipped? Any help is appreciated.