How about one long enough that isn't for a 300lb guy. I have found a few that fit close but nothing really made for a fit guy that is 6'6" without a belly, they are all baggy and I'm not a little guy, just fit. . Motor fist is the closest. My problem is the klim fits nice but when I raise my arms higher than my shoulders it lifts the whole coat and could let snow in around the waist, the motor fist does not do that, its opossite, when I put my arms down its all bunched up under my arms to the point of being to much but I haven't bought one yet as I'm not sure about spending $400 that isn't comfortable just standing. Although for aggressive riding I would take the motofist over all the others.
Need a coat that the shoulders are in the right spot so arm movement doesn't move the rest of the coat. If I'm going to spend $400 it should fit or I will keep buying cheap xl- longs every other year.
My klim x long bibs kick azz, love them. But I can't find a coat, at least not one that can take a beating.