He cost me alot money!!!!! After riding his SC Apex for a few miles, and realizing how much fun it was I thought it about it for few days and decided I had to have one. I ended up parking the M1000 and buying Spudy's 2006 Apex Mnt with a 2860RS Alpine turbo on it. The sled was very well done and very well taken care off and has been and absolute blast. It's just stupid what that thing will do, I haven't had this much fun riding in years
Actaully it all started a few years ago when I rode Pro Wrench's Tapex and Chubby's Tapex when they were out riding here in Colorado. That started me thinking and after riding mntxr's sc aprex a few weeks ago I was sold on it. I have never had as much fun as I have with this turbo. I am done with Big Bore 2 strokes. Tony, it's all your fault!!!!!
Actaully it all started a few years ago when I rode Pro Wrench's Tapex and Chubby's Tapex when they were out riding here in Colorado. That started me thinking and after riding mntxr's sc aprex a few weeks ago I was sold on it. I have never had as much fun as I have with this turbo. I am done with Big Bore 2 strokes. Tony, it's all your fault!!!!!