Oh come on... THEY....
please. The reason why people don't like him is because he says the government isn't the answer to everything. As much as people rile against the government, most all have their sacred cows. Whether it be entitlements or morality.
The reason why people don't like paul is also because if he were to do something about the debt, it would HURT. All of us, it would hurt!! Though eventually it would be better...
This they / them stuff is just a scape goat for apathy...
I know its not a youtube video... but you might like it.
idk what you think, bbut people LOVE ron paul.
i didnt like that video. it had no information that was relevant to me.
watch all the debates. listen to the crowd and they tell u who the favorite is. (thats if you dont understand the questions in the debate and the answers themselves). everyone throws **** at ron paul, and he shuts everything down. with common sense, and knowledge. the audience cheers at him. claps and whistles. ron paul isnt an idiot. he's very smart. perry doesnt know jack **** about government. paul doesnt want to get rid of government, he wants to give it a huge makeover.
if you watch the debates, you see that ron paul smashes on everyone and wins. (youtube is a good website to watch as many debates as you can fit into ur time)
if you watch the news, they lie to america right in her face, and say how ron paul is at the bottom. how he isnt a favorite. well your best answer is in SOCIAL media. not CORPORATE media. but censorship is a bitch. do you know how many people rely on the mainstream news for all their answers? they're the sheep. the president is the puppet, the people behind closed curtains are the masters. the bosses. the sheep herders.
Ron Paul knows the federal reserve inside and out. we're not in debt.... the government is. they spend the money, pass down the debt to us. but people within our government are very aware of and play the very game at hand.
ron paul knows economics. he knows policy. he knows how to get **** done.
but when you have greedy corporations that run corporate media, if theres a threat, they're going to do what they can to squash that threat. and they're doing it. if you deny it, go do a little bit of reading, and research.
the THEY i am refering to isnt the people. its the elite. its the people at power. money talks. theres plenty of it.