Im just doin a little research on the fuel reducers from bikeman. Just curious, which of their setups is better, the inline fuel reducer for $80 or the fuel pressure regulator they aslo sell for $150. Maybe some pros and cons? Thanks in advance
They do different stuff... The fuel pressure on these range all over the map, and AC's specs allow a pretty wide margin (like 43-46 psi?). Most stock M7's, it seems, run pretty good at 43 psi, and fall off fast at higher fuel pressures.
The inline reducer just pulls fuel at WOT. The map is kinda rich, here, and most sleds run better with just a bit less. Trial and error by the F7 guys, early on, showed they could get away with 41-42 psi, sometimes less, at WOT, and make as much as 5HP more.
You need an accurate pressure gauge to tune with either one, and EGT's help a ton, though it can be done by watching plugs/wash (you gotta watch that, anyway, fooling with your fuel system).
Last, the stock fuel line on these was pretty cheap. If you start messing with it, change to good quality FI rated hose, use GOOD (marine) quality clamps, good chaffing/heat protection, and check for leaks often, especially after making the changes. Mod your stock fuel system at your own risk, with respect for gasoline so close to your hot pipe.