This was on FOX News tonight. WTF is wrong with people in the midwest? I'm upset about this! My sister and brother-in-law are reeling over this. They live in a little town in SE South Dakota and their daughter and son-in-law live in Sioux Falls and they are PISSED!!!! They DID NOT grow up with this F#CKED up mentality where they grew up so where in the hell is this sh!t coming from!!!??? My son is a senior at Wahpeton Public High School and every day they recite the Pledge Of Allegiance over the intercom led by the principal of the school at 8:25 AM for twenty seconds and EVERY student stands an recites the pledge with out any bullsh!t, fanfare or protest. I'm emailing this sh!t hole district tomorrow and the next day and the next and the next until some one pulls their head out of their azz!!!! You should do the same.......PLEASE!!! Let's see if a voice can make a difference!
This was on FOX News tonight. WTF is wrong with people in the midwest? I'm upset about this! My sister and brother-in-law are reeling over this. They live in a little town in SE South Dakota and their daughter and son-in-law live in Sioux Falls and they are PISSED!!!! They DID NOT grow up with this F#CKED up mentality where they grew up so where in the hell is this sh!t coming from!!!??? My son is a senior at Wahpeton Public High School and every day they recite the Pledge Of Allegiance over the intercom led by the principal of the school at 8:25 AM for twenty seconds and EVERY student stands an recites the pledge with out any bullsh!t, fanfare or protest. I'm emailing this sh!t hole district tomorrow and the next day and the next and the next until some one pulls their head out of their azz!!!! You should do the same.......PLEASE!!! Let's see if a voice can make a difference!