I've been riding for about 15 years and here is the best advise on goggles. #1 Keep the inside of your goggles dry. Do Not take them off your helmet UNLESS they are beyond help then put them under your hood. Then when you take them out of your hood put them on your helmet being carefull to keep them dry. Let the helmet sit top up to let the goggles cool to the weather. Warm goggles will stick snow to them. #2 When you are wearing them on your helmet Do Not Put Them On Your Mouth Guard. All you are doing is putting moustire on the lense. #3 If you get stuck and you need to dig out do 1 of 2 things. leave your helmet on and breath out of your mouth blowing your breath away from your goggles. Breathing out of your nose at a heavy rate flexs your face and lets breath vapor in. The other is take your helmet off And put it in a location that the wind does not blow on the goggles AND THEY STAY DRY. I put mine in front of the handle bars behind the wind shield. Keep in mind a sweat build up is moisture in your goggles. If anybody [which any sledder has] driven in a snow storm and defrost causes more snow to stick to your wind shield than no heat, then goggles work the same way. Early years I tried heated shields and fan goggles and they didn't work. You might think this is bull$#!t but I have had the same pair of goggles for 3 years, never take a spare and have the pics that I am a XTREME rider. Give it a few rides. LEARNE IT, LIVE IT, LOVE IT!!!!!!!!