Just a quick re-introduction. Have been away for a few years. Something happened with my old login so I set up a new, more appropriate username. Can't be too many members on here from the Great State of Indiana!!!
So, my story goes like this. I moved from the grand flatlands of the Midwest to Washington in 2001 and got hooked on this great sport. I had never heard of Mountain Specific snowmobiles, I hadn't even ridden for several years. Right after we got arrive in Washington, I remember heading into a Dealership expecting to see the typical short track stuff we have back here. Instead, I had a mind altering experience... and almost a marriage ending experience when I showed up back home with a Ski Doo 700 Highmark (Remember this was 2001).
I was fortunate to make some good friends while riding for the two years I lived there. My job pulled me back to the Midwest and I have been able to make it out pretty frequently to ride with them.
Had a bad experience two years ago when I hit an icy trench during a steep climb and sent my good friend's (wife's) nearly new M8 down the hill with a couple of disasterous end-o's. Walked away with a badly bruised ego and a heavy sense of indebtedness to some good friends for being as understanding as I could imagine anyone being about the damaged sled.
Made the decision to save up some $$$ and buy my own sled. Bought an '08 M1000 this past summer. Talk about some good friends. They found it for me, are storing it and have agreed to trailer it when we ride so I just have to fly in.
So, I find myself back in the sport with a 2500 mile commute to the mountain but thrilled to be back. I am more of a reader than poster but will make sure that I add value to the community.
Just a quick re-introduction. Have been away for a few years. Something happened with my old login so I set up a new, more appropriate username. Can't be too many members on here from the Great State of Indiana!!!
So, my story goes like this. I moved from the grand flatlands of the Midwest to Washington in 2001 and got hooked on this great sport. I had never heard of Mountain Specific snowmobiles, I hadn't even ridden for several years. Right after we got arrive in Washington, I remember heading into a Dealership expecting to see the typical short track stuff we have back here. Instead, I had a mind altering experience... and almost a marriage ending experience when I showed up back home with a Ski Doo 700 Highmark (Remember this was 2001).
I was fortunate to make some good friends while riding for the two years I lived there. My job pulled me back to the Midwest and I have been able to make it out pretty frequently to ride with them.
Had a bad experience two years ago when I hit an icy trench during a steep climb and sent my good friend's (wife's) nearly new M8 down the hill with a couple of disasterous end-o's. Walked away with a badly bruised ego and a heavy sense of indebtedness to some good friends for being as understanding as I could imagine anyone being about the damaged sled.
Made the decision to save up some $$$ and buy my own sled. Bought an '08 M1000 this past summer. Talk about some good friends. They found it for me, are storing it and have agreed to trailer it when we ride so I just have to fly in.
So, I find myself back in the sport with a 2500 mile commute to the mountain but thrilled to be back. I am more of a reader than poster but will make sure that I add value to the community.