I have feud going with a coworker/friend. Anway I will lay it out there un-biased and you decide.
Background, I manage a GM shop and two of the mechanics have been keeping take off items and customer parts that were still good but unwanted by the customer, stuff was unclaimed.
I am headed to a annual auto swap meet in April of 2010 with a trailer load of things to sell of MY own. Mechanic #2 comes to me and asks if I will take some items with me that they have and put them out for sale. I agree and take mechanic #2 items and he tells mechanic #1 whats going on. Mechanic #1 brings items to me himself to add to the pile.
Swap meets over and I bring them a tally of SOLD items and pay 100% of the cash they brought to mechanic #2, #2 then disperses cash to #1.
TODAY, 1 year 7 months later, mechanic #1 has chance to sell one of the items that did not sell and calls me for the item. I do not have any of the items as I cleaned out my storage garage and threw everything away nearly a year ago..
Here is the arguement. #1 says they had value and I should pay him.
I said if they were so valued why didnt you ask for them back in the year and 7 months?
He is demanding payment. I said fine, a monthly storage fee it will wash....he said "you are a crook"
It is a silly arguement IMO and I feel if they were worth so much why did I have to deal with them for nearly 2 years. I did throw the stuff away without calling them and I did appologize for that.
Whats your opinion?
Background, I manage a GM shop and two of the mechanics have been keeping take off items and customer parts that were still good but unwanted by the customer, stuff was unclaimed.
I am headed to a annual auto swap meet in April of 2010 with a trailer load of things to sell of MY own. Mechanic #2 comes to me and asks if I will take some items with me that they have and put them out for sale. I agree and take mechanic #2 items and he tells mechanic #1 whats going on. Mechanic #1 brings items to me himself to add to the pile.
Swap meets over and I bring them a tally of SOLD items and pay 100% of the cash they brought to mechanic #2, #2 then disperses cash to #1.
TODAY, 1 year 7 months later, mechanic #1 has chance to sell one of the items that did not sell and calls me for the item. I do not have any of the items as I cleaned out my storage garage and threw everything away nearly a year ago..
Here is the arguement. #1 says they had value and I should pay him.
I said if they were so valued why didnt you ask for them back in the year and 7 months?
He is demanding payment. I said fine, a monthly storage fee it will wash....he said "you are a crook"
It is a silly arguement IMO and I feel if they were worth so much why did I have to deal with them for nearly 2 years. I did throw the stuff away without calling them and I did appologize for that.
Whats your opinion?
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