it works!
I went sledding last weekend with 2 other dudes, we were gone way past the time we were supposta be gone.
My wife seems to enjoy worrying (she seen all the AVY threads over my shoulder)
anyways we ended up going across this windblown trail with an icy side hill, in my gayness I made it across easy with my lefty just easing across slowly
...the other 2 ended up shoveling a trench to keep their skis from sliding down hill.
by the time they got across that hillside it was dark, we decided to take a 'shortcut' down to another trail...I was going over in my mind what kinda fire/emergency stuffs I had (enough for all three lol)
well I sent periodic messages from SPOT "We are all OK, havin fun will call later when in cell range"
The girls at home waiting for us LOVED IT
they would have been worried SICK
we made it down, and the wives wern't angry
It is easier for me to go sledding!
the yellow pins are my SPOT waypoints in google earth
The map on the SPOT website shows more roads
a SAT phone obviously would be better, but with the track feature on SPOT they can pinpoint my location within the last 10 mins if I were unable to call out
I went sledding last weekend with 2 other dudes, we were gone way past the time we were supposta be gone.
My wife seems to enjoy worrying (she seen all the AVY threads over my shoulder)
anyways we ended up going across this windblown trail with an icy side hill, in my gayness I made it across easy with my lefty just easing across slowly
by the time they got across that hillside it was dark, we decided to take a 'shortcut' down to another trail...I was going over in my mind what kinda fire/emergency stuffs I had (enough for all three lol)
well I sent periodic messages from SPOT "We are all OK, havin fun will call later when in cell range"
The girls at home waiting for us LOVED IT
they would have been worried SICK
we made it down, and the wives wern't angry
It is easier for me to go sledding!
the yellow pins are my SPOT waypoints in google earth

The map on the SPOT website shows more roads
a SAT phone obviously would be better, but with the track feature on SPOT they can pinpoint my location within the last 10 mins if I were unable to call out
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