Awesome responses so far !!!
I think the overall vision of the Boost series will stay the same with tons of Boosted Yamaha's and the Boost brothers rippin up the backcountry, but to add to it we need to take heed from the watching public. By asking YOU what you would like to see ( for our production ) it gives us better insight as to what we can add to make it better. But enough with the all Yamaha theme already, I know it might wrinkle a few feathers, but it will also gain a lot more interest from outside viewers.
So ! my honeydew list goes as follows :
whats under the hood ~ more tech talk and build information. What are the guys riding and what makes them so FAYAST ! lol. how does Render handle all that HORTHYPOWA ??
Boondocking deep pow ~ Well DUH ! that's got to be the single most wanted and asked for thing in a sled video. Cant get enough over the hood, titty deep snorkle pow. I'm all for the pow pow, I always try to film it, but it's so hard to pull out the gear when your giggling your *** off riding a turbo sled through the fluff !
Interviews and narration ~ Yes, this is my downfall. I have tried to do the narrative part, but I don't like to do it, lol. maybe I will have to hire this part out to someone who can do it, or just interview the guys more. I know when I watch vids ( skiing, mtb, etc ) the interviews are very interesting, and carries the video with flow. I must do this !!
Sledders etiquette ~ Good idea. Show how sledders really do care about the backcountry and destroy the myth that we are a bunch of martyr's
music ~ No music option, narration option, no death metal , more ambience, We could write a whole section on this subject because music is such a personal item.
longer run time ~ OK I get the hint, lol . more footage ! Done.
Behind the scenes ~ More extras section, show the personalities under the helmet. I have been trying to do this in the past years, hope everyone had noticed, but a general effort has been made here. I will get more of this action happening. BUT, I warn you, there will be a lot of profanity, beer drinking and flatulence involved, LMAO !!
show all brands ~ Note duly taken. I will make this happen. tons of boosted 2 strokes out there itchen to take a poke at the 4 strokes...
footage of 'ol Veedy ~ Ha ha ha lmao .. why would anyone want to see footage of boring ole me ? sheesh, I know I'm a sexy beeatch, but I'd have to charge more for the video then, so thats out..
More tech ~ see above : what's under the hood.
Riders section ~ This is a great idea, but I would rather incorporate this into the video itself. It gives more exposure to the actual rider and who's who in the video itself. great ideas though.
Steve-o for narration ~ that dude has the most badazz narratives EVER, lol. Steve is a classic who deserves recognition in the sledding industry. Maybe get him to do a narrative overlay then have the choice to turn him on or off ? haha that didnt come out right...
Nekkid boobies ~ hell yeah ! i'm all for that... not sure if the wife would like that though. I'm better off divorce-free. Plus it would just sell too many videos. and I would have a hard time keeping up with the sales, just sounds like more work, lol.
show what's in the backpack ~ great idea ! I dont know how Render fits that blow up doll in there, so we can make a documentary on the stuffing process.
more avy awareness ~ Not a new policy for Far West Films, but we need to show more about how we determine what is going to get climbed and what is not. I guess I dont make it clear enough about how safe we play. this will happen.
Thanks for all your suggestions ! keep them coming, all are considered !!
cheers !