I am in Pocatello, Idaho Falls is probably similar. I don't know where you are to compare, but I moved here from California 10 years ago. I would much rather raise my kids here than in California. The schools are pretty good here. Not a lot of crime here. If you like the outdoors than you will probably like it here. We don't get much snow in town, but you can be to two different parking lots within 30 minutes for some decent snowmobiling. You can be to a few more within 1 hour 15 minutes for some great snowmobiling. Same thing for riding quads/dirtbikes, camping, fishing, hunting. Less than 30 minutes to skiing/snowboarding (Pebble Creek), boating, jetskiing, and fishing (American Falls Reservoir). Pocatello has a lot of college students due to ISU being here in town. It also has a lot of Mormons, which are good people, but just to let you know. Pocatello is not a fast growing town, other towns in Idaho have surpassed it in size since I have been here. I can't say anything for northwest wyoming or south dakota. Northwest Wyoming probably gets more snow. Hope that helps a little?