Well...it seems we have to listen to each other and respect one another on this subject..I believe that DM is a value to this site I believe that SA7 is a value along with with every one that has spoken up
Why can we not discuss this in a normal HUMAN way...why does it always come down to bickering? I will admit I went about it in a WRONG way to begin with and it took some time away to understand it...we all absolutely love this site and this sport.....right??? I know I do...and I feel all of you do also!!
How do we get back on track? This is the question I ask of all of you and all of SW and BCR members...I have been racking my brain and trying to come up with a way that we ALL can be one again...we ALL are frustrated and want to speak our points..thoughts..argue and plain just tell all to F*** off and feel better about what we can do to the other person. Enough is enough...I know that we have lost a huge amount of great peeps already, that I am sure will never come back and help anyone from SW again. That is sad and I for one am saddened about this F'n mess. Maybe my vote does not count in some of your guys and gals eyes..but you have to read this and I know you are...so please just take a minute and remember what this site is...lets ALL work together and let bygones be bygones and move in a positive motion to make this site great...I know I can take the high road and get to the top of the mountain where the Pow is deep and soft and dam it... I know that you all can too...even if we have to pull your sled to the top

Crap we all are the best thing about this site and I know if you look deep inside you...you know that what I am saying is what you want also. I know that some will say it is the Kool Aid talking

but I don't think so...I think I just have came to the conclusion that we all need each other and with out that we are not SW...it is something else. I doubt that SW will say OK lets let the site go back to what it was..In all reality we still have the power Paid or Basic to work together and make this what it was! I can let the water roll off my back and I can be positive and try...that is all I am saying is just try to see the top of the mountain!
So with that being said I want to extend my hand to all I have Pizzed off and offended with my explosive posts and say I am sorry...your thought counts and I appreciate you and what you stand for! I ask that you appreciate me and my beliefs as well. I am willing to work together and make this site the best it has ever been and put this behind us and look to the future and play in the deep Pow with all of you...laugh...cry and support each other as we once did!
Please I wish that if you have a negative comment you keep it to yourself..I have not bashed or implied any hurt to you with this post. If you feel that I am not correct then it is ok I will understand..but for the love of the mountain please think about it before you hit the reply button
Thanks for listening