I have a '12 Pro 800 162 X 3" and I don't have cooling problems. All I've done to mine is get rid of the ported snowflap and put on an IQ snowflap. Even on hardpack/ icy trails, with my scratchers down, my engine runs between 125*-130*.
Sent from my iPad when I should be sledding.
Its not on the trail that they have problems. It is when you get off the trail in low snow situations or on secondary trails where you can only go 5 or 10 mph. If you cannot keep the speed up they heat up even with scratchers down and I do not really like them down when going through the alder brush on some of the lower trails to the good stuff. Even with 1 or 2 inches of fresh snow we need scratchers down when doo's and cats do not. I have read too many posts on here to know it is not just me, but like I said I love my pro and it would be about perfect without this problem. I spend way too much time watching the temp guage. I will be testing the new heat exchangers today and with the marginal snow at the moment I will know right away how much they help and will post my findings.