One groom was good, The rest is crap. Came out after dark last night was junk!! Holes on the corners and Eagle Meadows was not groomed and it needs it!!!!!!!!!!!
Your not kidding, I like to ride on alot of hiways and 108 has to be the worst one so far. If you go over to hiway 4 its nice, with a nice tilled groom, with nice cordaroy finish. Rode 108 wednsday was slick and dangerous sled spinning side to side, groomed to a nice glass like finish. Its dangerous and someone will get hurt. So came out saturday night about 5o p.m. pasted so called groomer with blade in the air and no tiller on it dragging a packer bar with a sled on it for weight. This was again making a slick finish with no grooves. WHAT A JOKE SOMEONE NEEDS TO GET FIRED!!!!!!!
Still junk holes on corners,And ICY surface, Still the same on Eagle Meadow Road !! And the powers to be know !! There be no fix this year maybe next year !!
does anybody know if the hwy 108 has been groomed at all during all of this snow fall we are trying to go this weekend but not sure what the conditions will be like, any feed back from anybody
There just starting to blow the road from sno-park to Eagle turn off,(Which is BS). They start on the east side after the west side is open to Kennedy Meadow's turn off, They have less to do on the east side. R.