anyone with intelligence, does not consider, what they see in movies real.
some stuff is real in all and every movie, some is not. Movies do change our perception of the world though, especially when it comes to subjects that we know little about.
True stuff in the movie
The guns?
The explosives?
The robot?
The explosive suit?
The uniforms?
The location? (or the simulated location)
The circumstance of some of the events?
The attitude of the characters?
The procedures used by the characters (all of them)?
You say movies aren't real, but the above was in the movie and a lot of it was real (or simulated to look real).
The point I am trying to make is that people in the military would come to a different conclusion about how much of the movie was real compared to a civilian. This difference can reinforce the civilians beliefs / assumptions even if he knows that the story is bs and it is just a movie.
Case in point, in the movie where the three guys split up and go different ways. It was pointed out to me that it was complete bs and that is not how military personnel would handle that situation. It made sense the reasoning, and now seems completely obvious, but would the majority of people know that?
Another point, when the guy goes off the base and then comes back on the base and they just let him through. That wouldn't happen. That situation would be different and he would have been reported, right?
The situations above are / would be believable if a person was not familiar with the procedures used in the Military.